StartingAdena = 1000000
# 骑乘加值(原本+加值)
WyvernSpeed = 100
StriderSpeed = 80
AllowWyvernUpgrader = False
# 若设定True, 技能较高的效果将盖过技能较低的效果
# 若设定False, 技能效果会叠加.
CancelLesserEffect = True
# 若你想要取消警卫攻击主动怪
# 预设为\'False\'
AllowGuards = False
# 启用后, 以下为使用规则:
# - 从玩家和怪物间相差九级后机率会下降9%以每相差一级做下降处理 (相差9级 = -9%; 相差10级 = -18%; ...相差19级 = -99%)
# 注: 启用后会同时影响掉落倍率以及收收倍率(此规则并无影响金币掉落机率)
UseDeepBlueDropRules = True
# 物品栏置物限制 (注:客户端将只显示80个栏位)
MaximumSlotsForNoDwarf = 80
MaximumSlotsForDwarf = 100
MaximumSlotsForGMPlayer = 250
# 仓库最大容量限制.
# Dwarfs will get bonus from lvl 60
MaximumWarehouseSlotsForDwarf = 150
MaximumWarehouseSlotsForNoDwarf = 80
MaximumWarehouseSlotsForClan = 150
MaximumFreightSlots = 20
# 强化卷轴成功率.
EnchantChance = 90
# 强化最大上限
EnchantMax = 50
# 人物和普通怪恢复速率百分比.
HpRegenMultiplier = 100
MpRegenMultiplier = 100
CpRegenMultiplier = 100
# 狩猎级首领的防御值倍数和他的护卫HP/MP恢复速率.
# 5000 即 50倍的速率
# 如果使用数据修正,
RaidHpRegenMultiplier = 100
RaidMpRegenMultiplier = 100
RaidDefenceMultiplier = 100
# 玩家/脱逃 指令时间,预设300秒.
UnstuckInterval = 300
# 玩家上线和传送保护时间, 0为无保护.
PlayerSpawnProtection = 0
# Set the first option here to one of the (auto, percentage, level, none).
# With \"auto method\" member is cut from Exp/SP distribution when his share is lower
# then party bonus acquired for him (30% for 2 member party)
# In that case he will not receive any Exp/SP from party and is not counted for party bonus
# The second option takes effect when \"percentage\" method is choosen. Don\'t use high values for this!
# The third option takes effect when \"level\" method is choosen. Don\'t use low values for this!
# If you don\'t want to have a cutoff point for party members\' XP distribution,
# then just set the first option to \"none\". Defaults are: percentage , 3.0 , 30 ; respectively.
PartyXpCutoffMethod = auto
PartyXpCutoffPercent = 3.0
PartyXpCutoffLevel = 30
# 人物复活后的CP/HP/MP值
# 以下数值为最大值的百分比.
RespawnRestoreCP = 0
RespawnRestoreHP = 70
RespawnRestoreMP = 70
# Allow random respawning in towns, based on a maximum random offset
# from the base respawn co-ordinates.
RespawnRandomInTown = True
RespawnRandomMaxOffset = 50
# 个人店买卖物品的最大栏同数量
# 一般来说,矮人在个人店中有5栏, 而其它种族只有4栏.
MaxPvtStoreSlotsDwarf = 5
MaxPvtStoreSlotsOther = 4
# 玩家下线依然保持魔法状态?
# List of pet rent (wyvern,strider). etc: 111,222,333
ListPetRentNpc = 7827
# Announce to players the location of the Mammon NPCs during Seal Validation.
AnnounceMammonSpawn = True
# GM命令和的特权设定.
AltPrivilegesAdmin = False
AltPrivilegesSecureCheck = True
AltPrivilegesDefaultLevel = 100
GM命令: //admin 输入后调出GM菜单
设置经验倍 爆率倍数方法
天堂II(铁幕降临)完美单机版\\L2Jcn Interlude Beta1\\gameserver\\config
rates.properties文件 用记事本打开开始: